
What is the 5P's Marketing Mix?

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Marketing Mix | The 4Ps



Mohd. Irfanuddin
Mohd. Irfanuddin

What is the 5P's Marketing Mix?

I want to know the following about the 5P model:
Where exactly does it fit in marketing and marketing research? Thank you.


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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

5 Ps do not Fit in Marketing

Hi Mohd., the answer to your question is that this model does not fit in marketing at all. You are probably confusing the 5 Ps with the 4 Ps ('Marketing Mix') or with the 7 Ps ('Extended Marketing Mix').

  Daniel Ayesukwe
Daniel Ayesukwe
Student (MBA), Philippines

5 Ps Model do not Fit Marketing

Mohd, indeed historically there were always 4 P's accepted in the marketing mix.
Others have argued and now we have an additional 3 P's making 7P's.
The basis 4 are: 1. Products, 2. Place, 3. Price, 4. Promotion.
The extra 3 are: 5. People, 6. Process and 7. Physical evidence.
However, I prefer to work with just the first 4 P's, because to me they are all-encompassing.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

5P Model by Pryor et Al

There is also a 5P Model by Pryor, White and Toombs, but that is an organizational development and strategy model and is not related to marketing or marketing research.


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